United States of America
Jan Sneed Rails to Trails Rescue Sanctuary
Jan's Rails to Trails Sanctuary is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) tax exempt public benefit corporation that provides a place for unwanted horses to live out their lives with loving care. Jan started the organization after she took in an abused horse in 2007 and nursed it back to health. Word of her work spread and soon she was contacted about other horses needing new homes. In order to pay the cost for maintaining the new barn residents, Jan began to give horse care and riding lessons to kids, and it became very apparent that both the horses and kids benefited from the relationship. While the core focus of the organization is to provide a sanctuary for horses, the fact that young people gain compassion, self-confidence and develop a sense of responsibility through their interaction with horses has led to Jan's efforts to also help children. Special consideration is given to children who are at risk or at a difficult time in their lives to give them support and integrate them into the available programs. Jan and Bob Sneed provide the main barn, arena, land and management of the operation with no renumeration. Sponsorships and donations to the program are tax deductible where allowed by the law and may be sent to Jan's Rails to Trails Sanctuary at 9 Hagenridge Road, Chico, CA 95973. 
Jan served five terms, equaling 20 years, as a board member with the Chico Area Recreation District, (CARD), ending her service in November 2018. To recognize her years of service, CARD named their youth scholarship after Jan. The scholarship provides access to youngsters unable to afford program fees.