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Jan 14, 2025 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Jan 14, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Mike has a master`s degree in Physical Education with an emphasis on sports psychology from Chico State, 1990. Before that he was a 4-year soccer player as an undergraduate. He arrived in Brazil in 1994 as the Athletic Director for the American School of Campinas until 1998. He created Body & Soul Adventures on the island of Ilha Grande, 3 hours off the coast from Rio de Janeiro. From 1990 till present Mike has been working on his non-profit organization Project Play Soccer. This organization has delivered over a half million dollars of soccer balls during this time giving over 100,000 kids a chance to play the Beautiful Game. The magic if this program is these kids are suffering from "extreme poverty" but their faces light up as soon as they see the "BALL". It is because of this transition with the kids that the next project to implement is the SOCCER FARM in which I will talk about during my presentation at your Rotary Club meeting. |
Jan 16, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM UTC-08:00
Jan 21, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Chico Rotary Club led a multi-club series of projects in northern Tanzania, near Mt. Kilimanjaro, between 2008-2019. With support from 19 other Rotary Clubs and Rotary International, $566,000 was raised from clubs and five Global Grants to support projects including clean water, computers in schools, improved health clinics, public restrooms, agricultural improvements, solar, and three safe foot bridges. Most of these projects are described at our project website: In addition to two shorter videos (linked at the project home page), a 23-minute documentary film, In Kilimanjaro’s Shadow, was created by a film-maker from Los Angeles who accompanied us on one of our trips. This film can be viewed at, search for: In Kilimanjaro’s shadow. Twice, Rotarians from our Club and from other District 5160 clubs joined me to visit our projects and meet our Tanzanian Rotary colleagues. Currently, Joel Zimbelman is leading a follow-up project in the same Tanazanian community, thanks to funding from our Club and a District Grant. It occurs to me that many if not most of our club members are not aware of these projects, but might be interested. Perhaps it would inspire Paul Harris giving and generate interest in other international projects. |
Feb 04, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Sue Webber-Brown Executive Director Drug Endangered Children Training & Advocacy Center Butte Co. DA Investigator/Narcotics Detective (Retired)
Sue Webber-Brown retired as a District Attorney Investigator for the County of Butte after 26 years in law enforcement. Sue’s first 7 years were spent in Welfare Fraud where she was often co-assigned to the Butte Interagency Narcotics Task Force (BINTF). As a result, the drug unit developed an expertise in combining drug, welfare fraud and child maltreatment investigations into one case. In 1991 the DA transferred Sue to the drug task force where she spent 19 years as a Detective/Agent.
Sue Webber-Brown was responsible for the investigation of major narcotic cases, welfare fraud and child endangerment. Sue is accomplished in the practical aspects of interviewing and interrogation, having participated in more than 2300 investigations. Sue has rescued over 3000 children from hazardous homes where drugs were used, sold, or manufactured. Sue is a recognized expert in the California and Arizona courts and has testified before Congress in the field of child endangerment due to drugs.
Sue is responsible for the development and successful "Drug Endangered Children" (D.E.C.) Program, the first of its kind in the United States. Sue was appointed by the Governor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning (O.C.J.P.) to an Ad hoc Study Group on drug endangered children and co-wrote a training guide disseminated statewide. Sue was a founding board member of the California D.E.C. Alliance, founding board member of the National D.E.C. Alliance and has published numerous articles. Sue has provided D.E.C. training to over 50,000 in 44 other states, including the Office of National Drug Control Policy in Washington D.C., the Department of Justice Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, National Interagency Civil-Military Institute, the United States Attorney’s Office, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. Sue and the D.E.C. Program have been featured in the LA Times, Sacramento Bee, Washington Post, numerous other newspapers, and publications, on the Montel William’s show and in the November 2002 issue of People magazine.
In 2000, Sue received the “California Victim Services and Restitution Award” from the Governor and the “Law Enforcement Leadership Award” from the California Attorney General. Sue was selected as the 2003 “Investigator of the Year” by the California District Attorney’s Investigators Association. On May 25, 2004, Sue received the “Award of Distinction” from the California Peace Officers’ Association, 2005 was awarded “Narcotics Officer of the Year” from Region VIII of CNOA, and in 2007 received the “Open Arms Award” from the University of Kentucky.
In December 2008 Sue met with President George W. Bush at the Capital in D.C. where she was
honored for her work with the D.E.C. program and in December 2008 received Butte College’s “Outstanding Alumni of the Year”.
In September 2013, Sue was presented with the “Distinguished Service Award” and inducted into the Oroville Union High School District Hall of Fame. On November 22, 2014, during the opening ceremonies of the 50th Annual CNOA training conference, Sue and DEC-TAC staff were each presented with awards for “Outstanding Contribution’s” to the state and nation for training on the topic of Drug Endangered Children.
For 15 years, Sue, as a private consultant, has been the Executive Director of the Drug Endangered Children Training and Advocacy Center which was initially established in 2009 under a state grant (California Emergency Management Agency) to train all multi-jurisdiction drug task forces (MJDTF) within the state. Currently DEC training, resources, and consultation is available upon request and provided throughout the state to all first responder agencies, and multidiscipline personnel.
Additionally, Sue is a DEC topic expert and consultant to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, High Intensity Drug Traffic Area’s, and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, to train law enforcement, child protective services, probation, parole, health professionals and prosecutors, on how to investigate and process evidence on welfare fraud, other crimes, and drug endangered children, while addressing the needs of these child victims of drug related crime.
Sue is a DEC topic expert and consultant to local, state and federal agencies. She trains law enforcement, child protective services, probation, parole, health professionals and prosecutors, on how to investigate drug crimes with children, while addressing the needs of these child victims. |
Feb 11, 2025 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Feb 11, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Feb 20, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM UTC-08:00
Feb 25, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Mar 04, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Mar 11, 2025 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Mar 11, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Dr. Jolene Church is a leadership expert and keynote speaker who empowers individuals and organizations to lead with heart and purpose. She challenges audiences to uncover their unique strengths, define their values, and live their mission. Drawing on her own experiences of overcoming adversity and embracing authenticity, Dr. Church delivers inspiring and practical insights that help people unlock their full potential and create a lasting impact. |
Mar 20, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM UTC-07:00
Apr 01, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Apr 08, 2025 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Apr 08, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Apr 17, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM UTC-07:00
Apr 22, 2025 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
May 06, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
May 13, 2025 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
May 15, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM UTC-07:00
Jun 10, 2025 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Jun 17, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Jun 19, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM UTC-07:00
Jun 24, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM